EDMODO - http://www.edmodo.com - Has become our new online classroom. We can share information and become a real learning community where ever we are.
Moodle - http://moodle.conroeisd.net - Our online classroom contains the same information as The Reitzel Roundup plus forums for students to communicate, ask questions, and sometimes I will assign work that will be done through Moodle. Login is the CISD FirstClass username and password.
Evernote - http://www.evernote.com -Please create an account in Evernote for your student. This tool will allow students to clip online articles for research, make To Do lists, create 'notebooks' for each class and save notes that can be carried out through their academic career. Students also learn summarizing skills and main idea through tagging. (I would set this up using the CISD FirstClass username and password as well.)
Google Docs CISD - https://sites.google.com/a/conroeisd.net/welcome/home We use documents, presentation, spreadsheet, calendar, and forms. The login is the FirstClass username and password.
Quizlet - http://www.quizlet.com Parents can make accounts for their family to create flashcards for all children in the house and for any class. This is a fantastic way to study and can be used on iPads, iTouches, iPhones to study on the go.
http://groups.diigo.com/group/reitzel - This is where the students and I can create a library of online resources that enhance our topics of study. To log in students need to use their FirstClass username and password (same as for Moodle/CISD Google Edu Apps)
WIX - http://www.wix.com Parents please make WIX accounts for your student. We will use WIX to create projects.